At the risk of boring my loyal fan base of millions from all walks of life, I would like to come forward (again, I think) and say hey I'm a Latter-Day Saint (Mormon, to all you heathen).
This op-ed piece from the very pro-Mormon newspaper Deseret News is food for thought. It's about our society, in which someone is able to say publicly I won't vote for a Mormon president, just because he is Mormon, and feel that it's alright to say it. Most of us know that is bigoted, but I don't think Mormons have yet reached the status of blacks, Catholics, women, or Jews in that it is totally unacceptable to disparage them in public.
I wonder if that has to do with proportionate persecution. Our persecution was somewhat limited to a time period between the time of the founding of the church (some would say before then) and the time of the exodus to Utah. It was also fairly localized to Illinois and Missouri, at that time considered uncivilized by Eastern standards. Not enough to warrant respect I guess.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
and the writer is
Toby O
9:21 AM
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Pointlessly Virtual
Have you ever been on fire to purchase something, even if you're not 100% sure you'll actually use it?? As you know, I have. You know because you read my prior savaging of the basic underpinnings of consumerism.
In this case, it's a domain name. A domain name? As in something I can't touch feel, or squeeze/rub myself on? Yes. Sad isn't it? If I were an actual company with an actual agenda, with actual funding, I could probably use this domain name to approximately save the world in one tiny way, but that isn't the case, and this domain will languish, paid for but not used. I could glob there, maybe, telling everyone how exciting it is this idea that I don't want anyone to steal, but other than that, not overly useful and virtually pointless.
and the writer is
Toby O
12:29 PM
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Another article for my list of links (LoL)
I think it was metafilter where I found that one.
and the writer is
Toby O
7:46 AM
My Reading Online
Sometimes I come across cool articles I want to share, and I think my family get sick of me sending little emails saying "this is cool" and a link. Instead, one day I might actually send out a link to my glob and let people see what I think is cool reading. In fact, for my own edification about myself, I might look back and see the articles I thought were cool, etc.
isn't that cool?
I have a little short blog-roll and some links and other stuff, including a tags widget I don't know how to make better, I want the little arrows to fold up, but I haven't taken the time to fix.. if it's fixable.
This, in addition to my analog reading in paper and ink books. Right now I'm reading "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living" by Dale Carnegie. I also just read "How to Win Friends and Influence People." same author. I'll have a quote from the former later today. I hope...
and the writer is
Toby O
6:46 AM
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
I may have mentioned this in a prior post, but I'll mention it again, since it occured to me, and I'm not entirely sure whether I have shared this crucial information. I am so conscious of my walking, it's almost a distraction from good traffic behavior. Lately I tend to swing my right leg out a little further. I really get into the swing of that right leg and it lands just a little further, and I think it makes me go faster.
The best walk I have seen on screen is the scene where Morepheous and Neo get out of the elevator to see the Oracle, in the first Matrix. Laurence Fishbourne has the best walk! (never mind the voiceover I think whoever posted this was trying to be funny -- the walk is at the end)
and the writer is
Toby O
9:44 AM
More about me: I have a true appreciation of noses. There are some noses that I just think, 'cool!' Seeing a good nose is like seeing a small sculpture of fine art, right there, on display for all to see, all, that is, who happen to pass within sight of the wearer.
Some examples of good noses, you ask? I'm trying to think of movie stars or well known people who have noses I think are exceptional. Will do a small search... I can't think of any noses that impressed me lately, but Kiefer Sutherland's nose is distinctive, don't you think? Juliette Binoche has a very French nose, no? I like the way her nose gets involved when she smiles.
and the writer is
Toby O
9:29 AM
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
I had a rant this morning, on my way down, riding el roach motel on wheels, but it's gone from me. I think it was at least as good as my rant about military looking vehicles. Here if you missed that one. My dad wants to get this. Cap'n would be proud. I'm not so much.
and the writer is
Toby O
6:24 AM