My latest reading as follows:
O-Zone by Paul Theroux
Taronga by Victor Kelleher
O-Zone was not a bad concept, but the writing was unpolished, repetitive, too wordy, and made me impatient. I was glad to be done with the book, and honestly felt no sense of accomplishment, no sense of learning something new, not even gladness at the characters' journey. The moral: Not all books by a good author are good.
Taronga is a little more engaging. A disaster has happened in Australia, and a boy who was in the bush decides to strike out on his own, and get back to Sydney. He makes it. A bunch of animals are still at Taronga zoo, incluing a tiger that hates the boy's guts. Some people are trying to get into the zoo and some people are trying to keep them out. It's not a very long book, only just under 200 pages. I'm almost through reading it.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
and the writer is
Toby O
7:35 AM
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Hair Straightener
In a prior post, I explained how much I love a good head of hair. I'm sure it's harder to achieve for some, and I'm certain I don't appreciate how much time an effort is required, since I have short hair.
However, there are a lot of women who don't seem to know what to do with curly hair. Hair dressers and hairstylists seem programmed to straighten it out first. Most of Nicole Kidman's movies have her in straight hair. If you saw her in Dead Calm you'd know how unnecessary that is. Another example is Keri Russell, of Felicity fame. First she cuts her hair, and then she does Waitress in hair that looks obviously straightened. What kind of example is Hollywood setting?
Related to my prior post, I just love Keri Russell's hair when she was younger.
and the writer is
Toby O
9:52 AM