Now I have left the fair land of greenies, their fjords and such, and find my nose in my next book, which lay fallow till now.
Grendel by John Gardner. I mentioned it earlier as being by Somebody Else, but no harm done, right?
This is the Beowulf story, from the monster Grendel's perspective. What an enjoyable read. This line gave me a chuckle:
Now and then some trivial argument would break out, and one of them would kill another one, and all the others would detach themselves from the killer as neatly as blood clotting, and they'd consider the case and they'd either excuse him, for some reason, or else send him out to the forest to live by stealing from their outlying pens like a wounded fox. At times I would try to befriend the exile, at other times I would try to ignore him, but they were treacherous. In the end, I had to eat them.
Ok so it was several lines.
Nothing much else for today. I had some interesting thoughts about men and women, and the answer to it all, but it's gone from me now.
Friday, October 13, 2006
Today's excerpt
and the writer is
Toby O
1:11 PM
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