Friday, February 01, 2008

My Blog is Stupid - or - Jealousy

Were I an actual blogger, I might actually take the time to make it look good. So far I've only messed with a template for a while. I've decided that as soon as I have money I'll pay someone to pretty up my blog and all other websites I deem necessary, because I sure as hell ain't takin' the time. First on my list, once I realize I'll never be rich and even if I were we'd be buying tickets to Crete not wasting such precious on dross like internet, would be the scheme for adding date. I hate the fact that date comes first, big, and then the title of my post. I like (who doesn't) and then I just saw and was jealous of and had to blog about her friend Look at the date scheme! Isn't it just beautiful?

Also, I am starting to obsess more about my pointless meaningless gift I want for my birthday, after seeing the following URL: I won't tell you what pointless URL I'm after simply because I know someone will go out and buy it and then charge me a $75, 000 minimum for it.

1 comment:

Emily said...

You're blog is great! You don't have anything to be jealous about. You're a way cool bro!