Monday, October 27, 2008

Choice of Car

The car I want to get next is a Honda Civic 2006 or newer. Why? There are many reasons.

1) I am happy with the Civic I have now, it drives well, it feels good to drive, it is reliable, it looks good, it sounds good, and repairs are relatively affordable.

2) I assume that getting another Honda means I will get all the above benefits

3) I like the new styling both inside and out.

4) I also assume I'll never be able to afford a Ferrari.

Now. If I can fixate on a car that easily, why can't I fixate on a career as easily? Here I am in a job that is pleasant, but not exciting. If they stopped paying me I would definitely never come here again. I more or less found this job after lots of searching in tech type jobs, preferably as a network designer and installer. That would be much more interesting to me, and yet, all the entry level jobs for that kind of thing are in help desk for several years eventually graduating up the tiers until such time as I guess I would eventually have a right to design something.

I don't know if networking is my dream any more. It's pretty uncomplicated these days, unless one is a scientist coming up with really new ways to string people together, and yes there's more to be discovered. But on a basic working level, a person simply plugs everything in and turns it on. There is something to be said for someone who knows how to take off the shelf products and use them effectively, but that's not design, that's implementation and working knowledge. I think I found the idea of being a network engineer a viable and interesting career, but as a career, a job, not a life's passion.

I feel like, with my Civic, I could drive her every day and not be unhappy because I don't have a different car. With my job, I'm not unhappy per se, because while some jobs may seem more appealing than the one I presently have, all I can see is the learning curve. Not even a learning curve, but more of a time investment before actually being able to do that thing whatever it is. And I don't begrudge the time investment requirement like I used to . When I was younger, I used to believe that I could do anything I put my hand to, regardless of my experience. I have started to realize, as I have gotten older, that experience does matter in a huge way. Experience, and brains. Brains I have, and ability to learn, I have, but do I have the real desire to be.... whatever it is that I really want to be? What do I want to be? And why can't answering that question be as easy as answering what car I want to get next?

More about Advertising

Remember this post? It was about ads that ran supporting an extension of a tax break for wind powered energy companies. It was created by a lobby group. Big money.

Well big money is at it again, and once again, the motivation behind it is a little odd.

Remember when Phillip Morris, the company that owned Marlboro cigarettes (I'm not going to fact check, in order to represent my garbled understanding, or the way in which my memory remembers to the fullest), or some brands of cigarettes, had an entire ad campaign stating how bad smoking was for you? I assume it was a public relations thing, to say, we know there's a problem here, and we're not part of the problem, we just want your money.

Well Chevron is doing the same thing, there are ads in the metro, with Chevron's logo, with short, handwritten notes and pleasantly serious business types encouraging people to use less energy, to drive less, etc. Is the goal here to confuse? To introduce cognitive dissonance, so that people start to mix up who the bad guys are? It must be Shell or Citgo, I don't see them telling me to drive less.

My Poor Deluded Sister

I don't vote or anything silly like that, what with an entire state going either Red or Blue depending on how the electoral college decides to represent the voting populace, but I cannot dodge the onslaught of hungry mouths typing millions of words about the 'race' for the presidency.

Little did I know my sister, upon marrying a DemocratIndependent Obama supporter would also become an Obama supporter. Nothing would change her mind, I don't think, but that's pretty characteristic of Obama supporters, no matter how much is covered up, exposed, or just plain missing about the celebrity oreo man it doesn't matter, at least he's not Bush's successor, McCain.

I'm glad I have this glob

I'm glad I have this blog, because I can duck over here if I want to leave pictures of my newborn son at the top of the family blog.

Um, that's all, really. I have several things to write about, each will get its own entry.