My other t-shirt goes something like this: a head shot of Obambam, or even my nifty bam-bam idea. It says above the picture, WE'RE NOT READY and below the picture HE'S NOT READY.
I sortof feel sorry for the Delaware Senator who put his foot in his mouth about Obambam, I hope he doesn't think he's a contender after doing that. Look at Howard Dean, in one night, he killed his campaign.
I'd like to add my editorial aside to this whole question of what you can and can't say about, to, or of the other race in America, and that is the underlying tension that still exists, on a different level, not that 'your daddy enslaved my daddy' so much any more but still the continued minority mindset and they hypersensitivity to accusation of any kind, by implication or explicitly. Accusations such as being racist, or being a minority, or being oppressed, or the worst, causing your own misfortune with bad choices rather than the excuse, I wasn't handed the opportunity.
That 'real' opinion said, to anyone who is still reading instead of rolling their eyes, I'll say I don't understand what it's like on the other side. I really don't and never will. My parents never drilled into my head that it will all come to nothing, as I know some kids get day after day. I also didn't grow up in a place where the weak are killed and the strong survive. This environment of the weak getting killed, literally and figuratively would in my mind lead to survival instincts of conforming to the norm, even if that norm keeps you down.
I still say we are not ready, but someday we might be. I'd like to see a world where a successful black person is not an anomaly or a story of conquering insurmountable odds, and I think we're getting there, albeit with a subset of blacks, the 'oreo cookies' if you will, but it's hard to separate the two groups because of the discomfort and the taboo which still honestly creates an us vs them environment. There's a book by Noel Ignatiev called How the Irish Became White. I wonder if in 50 years there will be a similar book, 'How the Blacks Became White.' Maybe I'll write it, but it'd have to be sooner than 50 years.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Political a little more
and the writer is
Toby O
8:32 AM
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