Thursday, May 06, 2010

All You People using Blogger

Hey all you people using blogger! Most especially, those who require a gmail account to even look at your updates, please at least open up to the idea that maybe not everyone has gmail or needs gmail. The missus and I like having email acounts that are on different services, so that I don't have to sign out when she signs in and vice versa.

She's on yahoo and I'm on gmail.

Both services are good, I would go so far as to say they're probably the best options for anyone needing a permanent email address. It works out for her to have the yahoo account as well, since yahoo has the .au but gmail does not, and she's the Aussie in this relationship.

So what ends up happening, is that she has to sign in using my account to view those locked down blogger blogs, and that inevitably leads to confusion because readers of those comments will end up here.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Octopus

I came up with a name for the new do that's everywhere now. It's the Octopus. Remember the 'reverse mullet'? This derogatory term is used for the wedge cut gone wrong, or sported by people who don't look good in it.

The Octopus is, in simple terms, the do sported by Carol Brady (from the Brady Bunch) for a while, in which the hair is cut short, almost a ball shape, and wisps are left at the bottom, which stick out. This name comes from the fact that hairs on the top of the scalp are cut short, forming a sort of ball or blob at the top, and then long strands of hair, which attach closer to the neck are left, sortof like tentacles.

A lot of attractive girls are sporting this look, at least the ones I see on the train, but to me it's layering gone horribly wrong, and doesn't look good!