Wednesday, May 09, 2007

My new book

If I were to write a book right now, it would probably be entitled "Orgarden City" based on the fac that the two most recent books I've read have been about industrial, organic, and farm grown food; and urban development, castigating Garden City mentality.

I thought, as I walked in from the metro, about people in general, even the ones in 'suburbs' as opposed to the ones in cities, they are probably going to continue to be part of more and more dense populations as time goes on. Jane Jacobs' book will become more and more relevant.

This novel of mine, "Orgarden City" would be a futuristic look, at cities with social ills, and bad food, touted as good food, and bad city planning, touted as 'perfect if only people would do what they're told, not as they'd normally/naturally do.'

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