Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Rich or Poor

Yesterday on the trip home in my car (yes my car, not via metro) I was listening to NPR, and there was a story about how the top 3% of income earners have 20% of the wealth and the gap is widening.

One of the indicators of the wealthy CEO's pay in the story was the purchase of private jets.

This morning driving to work I realized that the key to good driving is not to be greedy. There's a lot of road there and you only need the space around your car. Then I thought back to the story about the rich, and actually short of getting your private jet/chopper/air travel, if you're on the morning commute, the road is a great equalizer, everyone, regardless of income can really only take up the space of one vehicle, and they only get so big, even a stretch limo maxes out at 3 cars long or so, and frankly isn't that much of an advantage, it only offers comfort while traveling, but won't necesarily get you there faster. In that sense the road is the great equalizer. Now reliabilty, comfort, and good looks is a whole nother discussion.

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