I can honestly say that getting email from complete strangers who have their own (well thought out and regularly updated) blogs is kindof a little boost for me.
I read a little synopsis on a movie about a massacre at Mountain Meadows in Utah in the 1800's, and I thought to myself, there's a love story in there? It's annoying that Dean Cain (TV Superman) and Terrence Stamp (General Zod) are in the same movie on the same side as the leaders of the Mormons depicted as baddies. What I was going to say about the love story in the fictionalized account is that I'm reminded of a certain Robert Redford/Michelle Pfieffer movie in which Bob's (as they call him a political rallies) character constantly encourages Shellee's (as they call her at the pool) character to find the human interest angle in the story. I think I will make it my life's work for the next few minutes to try to think of movies that DON'T revolve around a handful of well-developed characters you either like or don't like and their development through the story.... Ok can't think of any off hand so I think I'll keep thinking and maybe make an entry of it next time.
Till then.
Monday, April 30, 2007
Little St00pid excitement
and the writer is
Toby O
1:28 PM
Friday, April 27, 2007
Back to the Books
While I was away not blogging, I read Company by Max Baz, and it was a spiffy little read. I thought of it as sortof an 'idea' in book form, a fun idea, and well executed. His blurb at the end of the book, thanking his editor for taking the book he liked and making into a book he loved made me curious what the different versions looked like, whether the author's writing was really less palatable. I'm not saying that it was hard to be less palatable because the book was bad, far from it, but I'm reflecting more on my view of the authorship process, that of taking ideas and putting them on to paper, and how the editor comes into play as part of that process. Since I'll enter that process provided I don't die first, I'll probably come into first hand association, but until then it's something of a mystery.
Speaking of myself becoming a writer, I was reading this rant, having navigated there randomly, and was heartened that this person who appears to be so successful is still eating, as she put it, 'fridge bottom salad.'
Next topic, I'm now reading The Omnivore's Dilemma at the suggestion of a friend, and it's just amazing! I brought up the cattle being force fed corn to my wife and she's like, "oh yeah, you didn't know that?" and I realized she must have seen a PBS special on it. But this book is really neat to read because it's not overly liberal/preachy and it just presents this author's pursuit of what you think would be a simple question: What do we have for dinner?
and the writer is
Toby O
11:25 AM
Thursday, April 26, 2007
I got this from an obscure place in the netaxy ((c)(tm) pending on that word) so I won't bother referencing or citing or anything. Let him/her come find me and serve me notice.
No matter how hot a girl is, someone, somewhere, is sick of her sh*t
and the writer is
Toby O
10:12 AM
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Backpack update
Another also sad and strangely common trend on the backpack front is the tendency to leave the smaller and most prodruding, preferably half-circular portion un-zipped. I get the feeling this is on purpose because I've seen it at least every week or month over the last several weeks or months. I predict this will cause people to hesitate more than they do already when deciding whether to let the pesron know. I think however, this deicsion is easily made by the perceptive, who can pick up the social and fashion consciousness in the wearer that he or she is joining a trend or fad.
Such insight!
and the writer is
Toby O
2:32 PM
Whenever I'm feeling Down
Whenever I'm feeling down, I just post an ad on craigslist looking for someone to build me a website. I have deleted a bunch of responses so I don't know exactly how many I got, but I got one today, and my ad was posted days ago!
Also in unrelated news, my sister has read this blog, and has even checked back to see if I made a new post. Anyone who says I don't have any readers is LYING.
and the writer is
Toby O
2:29 PM
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
I imagine there were at least 5 people who were eagerly reading my blog, back when I posted each week, and that before that there were 8 people who read when I was posting almost every day. Now that I'm down to a month between posts, I imagine those 5 people have moved on.
I was taking Metro to work today, and as I sat down I happened to see a bill in the seat next to the person in front of me with the return address 'Robert Williamson' and I couldn't help thinking what a horribly common name to have.
I sniffled quite a bit while the train made the next two stops, but it wasn't until I pulled out a hanky and blew my nose (not quietly I admit) Robert Williamson, we'll call him Bob Billyson jumped about 6 inches in his chair, glanced backwards in my direction, collected his things and moved 10 rows away. 10 rows forward. I couldn't help chuckle to myself, since the threat to him was the same, I think it was the noise which caused his auditory nerve pulled the trigger, setting in motion a small involuntary part of him, which tumbled into the voluntary part of him, encouraged by another involuntary part, that of annoyance and possibly fear of infection.
and the writer is
Toby O
6:41 AM