Monday, December 31, 2007

Journal Writing

I wonder how many people see blogging as a way to keep a journal. I would imagine that for the more personal and non-newsy, non-business blogs that would be the case. For me, there's not much personal information here, except for my opinions, which tell you a little about me. To get more, you'd have to read my journal, paper and hand written.

For New Year's my wife and I will be writing in our journals, summing up the year a little, and writing down whatever comes to mind. I'm already thinking about the blank that usually settles over my mind with the whoosh of a hardbound book being opened and flattened. Then something starts, much like drifting into a dream, where my mind catches onto one idea and it spins into more.

Happy New Year everyone. I always get nostalgic about this time of year, and for me nostalgia is painful, because it's usually 'What Might Have Been.'

1 comment:

Peace said...

Handwritten, scary. ;)