Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Turkey was bombed or something this week. They instantly call it a terrorist attack. Ok maybe it is... my insider friend from Europe also had something to say about Turkey, U.S.-base of operations there, etc: Turkey wants for Kurds not to have their own state, even though that region of Iraq right now is not governed/governable. If this is true, that the U.S. and Turkey have an agreement that there will be no separate state of the northern section of Iraq allowed, this sheds an interesting light on the current situation. The bombings that recently occurred (and the HUGE national reporting on it) make Turkey such an injured party that it will be easy to rush to their side and keep our side of the bargain against Turkey's threateners.

That's all for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Turkey was bombed or something." One wonders if you would be quite so flippant if you lost a limb or a loved one his or her life. A graceless article.