You may not think mysefl is a word, but I just made it one.
I was reading/catching up as much as small time allowed over on, a fact that I don't like to admit, honestly, it's just too depressing to read a blog that is that fun to read, and here my blog languishes.
I haven't even kept up with reports on my reading. I completed Neuromancer and decided it really only needs a short bit of praise from me:
There's a reason it's won all those awards, yes it is good, I suggest sci fi fans read it if they have any respect for themselves.I will go beyond that original thought, and offer my version of the gist of the book: An unlikely hero is recruited for a cyberspace mission, and along the way meets a distant but inevitably in-love-with-him female who disappears at the end of the book. The detail is very good. What I noticed throughout was the almost painful dedication to the first person narrative, everything taking place from the perspective of the hero, to the point where certain technological advances are invented for the sole purpose of maintaining that tack.
Back to for a sec, I also like the layout etc, and how the entries are laid out colored, set apart, you know that aesthetic stuff. I just don't have the time or energy to learn how to make my blog right. I wonder if I worked through typepad, and got myself a space out there I would have better luck looking like I want? Probably but again, time investment is required.
I have to get some stuff done here at work, so that's the end of this one. I didn't even get to talk about myself, which was the whole reason for the entry, talking about oneself being what Heather does.
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